Our Team
Our Team

Phillip Sanchez, Bycatch Programs Coordinator
Phillip manages the day-to-day operations and content development for the Bycatch Solutions Hub. His focus is to provide regular updates to the seafood industry on bycatch impacts in specific fisheries, available solutions, success stories, and manages active projects. Phillip works directly with fisheries associations, NGOs, and gear manufacturers to develop workplans that implement on-the-water solutions that address documented bycatch impacts. In addition, he works with the markets team to identify potential project funders. Outside of the Hub, Phillip is responsible for coordinating within other SFP programs to initiate bycatch related components. Phillip joined SFP in 2022 to lead the development of the Hub. Phillip received his PhD in Marine Biology with a focus on applied fisheries research form Texas A&M University at Galveston and MS from the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. Prior to SFP Phillip founded PezMar Research, LLC, a fishery directed research and consulting firm. He is based in Panama City, Panama.

Kathryn Novak, Director of Nature and Biodiversity
Kathryn oversees SFP’s programmatic work for the Protecting Ocean Wildlife Initiative that focuses on addressing bycatch and habitat degradation in seafood supply chain sourcing. Her work for the Bycatch Solutions Hub centers on markets engagement and communications. She joined SFP in 2009. Prior to her role at SFP, she worked at the Ocean Conservancy, where she helped to initiate some of the early improvement projects in the US Gulf of Mexico. Kathryn served a two-year term on the Steering Committee of the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions and is also a graduate of the National Fisheries Institute’s Future Leaders Program. Originally from Saratoga, New York, Kathryn has a BA in communications from the State University of New York at Albany. She is based in Orlando, Florida.

Alexia Morgan, Ocean Wildlife Manager
Alexia helps implement a global strategy for making fisheries more sustainable, including addressing issues of bycatch mitigation for endangered, threatened, and protected species and increasing observer coverage on tuna fishing vessels. In addition, Alexia works within the wider SFP Biodiversity Program that extends beyond tuna-related issues. This involves working with colleagues to develop and implement strategies for the protection of vulnerable marine species and habitats. Alexia joined SFP in 2013, prior to which she worked in academia. Alexia received her Ph.D. from the University of Florida, MS from Nova Southeastern University, and BA from Lake Forest College. She is based in Belfast, ME.