Gear Types


Gillnets are large nets that hang vertically in the water designed to entangle most things that swim into them.

Either attached to buoys and left to drift or anchored to the seafloor, gillnets are designed to catch and kill indiscriminately. Although some size selection can be achieved through altering the size of the holes in the gillnets, anything that does not fit through the gaps can easily become caught. This can lead to significant bycatch issues, as gillnets are non-selective, difficult to see, and often used in areas with high densities of all four ETP taxa.

A gillnet set over a hardbottom area of the seafloot.

Since gillnets are designed to be difficult to see, non-selective, difficult to see, and often set in areas with high densities of all four ETP taxa, they can account for staggering amounts of bycatch.   When entangled, most animals will struggle to get out and become increasingly wrapped up in the net.  When trapped underwater, air breathing bycatch such as mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds, will eventually drown.  

If nets are lost, they will drift and continue to catch fish and other species, posing an additional bycatch threat as ghost gear. Deploying tracking buoys on the nets can avoid this risk and ensure that lost gear can be recovered.

ETP Impacts and Fishery Recommendations