Modified Purse Seine

Fishery Type
Purse Seine
Ocean Region
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Northern Pacific Ocean, Western Pacific Ocean, Northern Atlantic Ocean, Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
Target Species
Anchovy, Sardines, Salmon
Bycatch Species
Modified purse seines were developed by the Albatross Task Force (a Birdlife International and RSBP initiative) to address seabird bycatch in the Chilean anchovy and sardine purse seine fisheries. These fisheries are particularly vulnerable for the Pink-footed Shearwater. Specific modifications include moving the locations of the buoys and decreaseing the amount of excess netting.
The implementation of the modified purse seine resulted in a 98% decrease in seabird bycatch rates for vessels with an increase in target catch.
Read more on page 30 here.
Towards Seabird Safe Fisheries (RSBP)